1. gzip and gunzip
gzip command is used to compress the file, and gunzip is used to de-compress it.
gzip <file name>
It provides the extension .gz and removes the original file
$ wc sample_copy.txt
65 2776 17333 sample_copy.txt
$ gzip sample_copy.txt
$ wc sample_copy.txt.gz
26 155 7095 sample_copy.txt.gz
The compression ratio depends on the type, size and nature of the file
gunzip <file name with.gz>
$ gunzip sample_copy.txt.gz
$ /*do ls and you can see the original file*/
If you want to compress the directory contents recursively, use -r option with gzip command and unzip it use the same option with gunzip command.
2. tar : The archival program
tar command is used to create archive that contains a group or file or entire directory structure.
It is generally used for back ups.
tar [options]
- -c Create an archive
- -x Extract files from archive
- -t Display files in archive
- -f arch Name the archive arch
$ tar -cvf compression.tar compression
compression/ //v for verbose
- We can use tar and gzip command in succession to compress the tar file.
$ tar -cvf compression.tar compression
$ gzip compression.tar
$ //will create compression.tar.gz file
- For un-compression the file first use gunzip command, which will create a tar file and then use tar command to untar the contents
$ gunzip compression.tar.gz
$ tar -xvf compression.tar
- To just view the contents of the tar file use -t option
$ tar -tvf compression.tar
- Instead of doing tar first and then gzip next, we can combine both of them using the option -z
$ tar -cvzf compression.tar.gz compression
- We can de-compress .tar.gz agin in a single command using the option -z with -x
$ tar -xvzf compression.tar.gz
3. zip and unzip: compressing and archiving
zip command can be used for archiving as well as compressing the contents of the directory or the file.
zip [options] output.zip <files to be zipped or directory>
$ zip sample1.zip sample1.txt
//will create sample1.zip file
- Use -r option to recursively zip the contents of the directory
$ zip -r compression.zip compression
// will create compression.zip file
- To un-compress the file use unzip command
$ unzip compression.zip
// will uncompress the compression.zip file